Embrace our power as agents of change for the public good and generate talent, ideas, and solutions with unmatched impact and scale to help define and address the most critical problems of our time, locally and globally.
Dean of Students Office
Goal: Educate parents and family members about the services available through the Office of the Dean of Students.
Objective: Electronic outreach to parents through the ParentNews, the monthly online newsletter distributed to 35K+, parent and family email list, etc. to inform them of the vast resources available to support their students.
Goal: Expand the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion work, across the Institute, communicated by the Inclusion, Advocacy, and Support Collective. The collective consists of the LGBTQIA Resource Center, Student Diversity Programs, Veteran’s Resource Center, and the Women’s Resource Center.
Objective: Conduct an inventory of communication deliverables, methods, and marketing initiatives to determine gaps and identify ways to enhance their effect.
Georgia Tech Arts
Goal: Amplify the impact of arts and creativity on campus through programmed installations, performances, and events.
Objective: Ensure Arts sponsored installations and performances engage in specific topics relevant to the academic mission and/or values of Georgia Tech.