Cultivate Well-Being
Strengthen our culture of well-being and create an environment of holistic learning where all members of our community can grow and learn to lead healthy, purposeful, impactful lives.
Campus Recreation Center (CRC)
Goal: Enhance the well-being of the Georgia Tech community by offering safe and inclusive programs and services for students of all identities and backgrounds.
Objective 1: Improve student access to CRC wellness programming at satellite locations in residence halls.
Objective 2: Increase student skills for managing their mental health.
Center for Assessment, Referral & Education (CARE)
Goal: Inclusive of CARE, the Counseling Center, and the Department of Psychiatry, ensure that students are knowledgeable about mental health services.
Objective: Increase the percentage of students who state that they would know where to go on campus if they needed to seek professional help for their mental or emotional health.
Center for Assessment, Referral & Education (CARE)
Goal: Improve the efficiency of the CARE initial intake and processing system.
Objective: Decrease the amount of time students wait to receive a regular CARE assessment.
Health Initiatives
Goal: Ensure Health Initiatives has the infrastructure needed to advance health and well-being on the Georgia Tech campus.
Objective: Increase Health Initiatives staffing levels to meet the well-being education needs of students.
Health Initiatives
Goal: Ensure students are aware of the programs and services that are available for them to utilize to promote health and wellness.
Objective: Increase education and awareness of the programs and services that are available for students to utilize in Health Initiatives.
Housing and Residence Life
Goal: Ensure the success of residential students through the delivery of high-quality services and programs that foster student academic success, growth and engagement, community, and personal responsibility.
Objective: Improve resident competencies in self-management (e.g., managing time and money, balancing academic and social commitments, and living a healthy lifestyle) and interacting with diverse individuals (e.g., different from one’s selfbased on race, gender, and beliefs, building empathy, and the benefits of interactions with residents who are different from one’s self).
Student Center
Goal: Enhance students’ sense of belonging and connection through enriching experiences and programs.
Objective: Improve student engagement with GT through the Week of Welcome program designed to transition students into college by creating opportunities for them to meet their peers and become more acquainted with the GT campus and the city of Atlanta.