February 28, 2024
VP@SEWB Newsletter: When is Hate Speech Protected Speech? Another Look at Freedom of Expression

Aloha Yellow Jackets,
One of the most unique aspects of being part of a higher education community is the ability to learn about and be exposed to a broad, vibrant range of world views, personal perspectives, challenging ideas, and intriguing ideologies. However, this intellectual diversity can sometimes create anxiety, conflict, and tension. 
My office frequently gets requests to remove, erase, or cancel expressive activities or events. We respond to each request in alignment with Georgia Tech’s time, place and manner procedures, while honoring our campus’ commitment to freedom of expression. As a result, I’ve been getting questions about where the line is between hate speech and protected speech. To answer your questions and enhance understanding of what comprises free speech, we produced a video! It lasts about ten minutes, but I believe you will find it worth your time… 
As you watch the video, I ask you to keep in mind the following. In a shared community that strives to promote belonging for all, every individual needs to embrace a personal commitment not just to exercising their rights, but to also fulfilling their responsibilities: extending care, compassion, courtesy, and civility to others. Just because you can do something doesn’t always mean you should.
Thanks for watching!

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Dr. Luoluo Hong
Vice President for Student Engagement & Well‐Being