Dear Yellow Jackets,
I hope that the start of the Spring 2022 semester has been going well for you. At Georgia Tech, we strive to do all we can to promote the health and welfare of all students.
The Gwinnett County Health Department has informed us that there was an individual at Georgia Tech between August 23, 2021 and September 27, 2021 who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). As a precaution, the Health Department has determined that there are individuals at Georgia Tech who need to be tested. These individuals, who were in close and continuous contact with the ill individual, will be tested free of charge by the Health Department.
If you are identified as an individual who needs testing, you will receive a separate notification with instructions and additional information.
The Health Department has provided information about TB that should answer many questions you might have in the attached FAQ. Georgia Tech will work with the Health Department, monitor this situation closely, and provide more information to you as it is available.
The Health Department has told us that there are two very important things to keep in mind about tuberculosis:
First, tuberculosis is a disease that is hard to transmit to others. Close and continuous contact over numerous hours is necessary to transmit the disease (e.g., pass along the contagion to another person).
Second, even if a person is infected with the bacteria that cause TB, they cannot transmit it to another person without being actively ill with the disease themselves. This does not happen right away and may take years. In general, one out of ten people who come into contact with TB ever develop the disease.
If you have additional questions, a virtual public forum with Dr. Ben Holton, director of Stamps Health Services, and the Gwinnett County Health Department has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 25 at 11 a.m. To participate, visit this link:
If you have questions about TB, please refer to the enclosed fact sheet, visit or call the Gwinnett County Preventive Health (TB) Center at 678-442-6880.
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Vice President for Student Engagement & Well‐Being