Aloha Yellow Jackets,
The cooler temperatures of recent days remind me that one of my favorite holidays, Halloween, is only a week away. I am planning to dress up, so I hope to run into you around campus! If you observe the traditions of All Hallows' Eve, take steps to ensure your personal safety and that of others. You can check out SEWB’s weekly student newsletter to find events where you can celebrate the spookiness of the season or just connect with other Yellow Jackets!
This month’s issue will focus on our civic responsibilities:
- It’s Time to Vote!
- Constructive Dialogue Institute’s Perspectives Course Has Launched
- Colleges Must Accommodate Pregnant Students Under Title IX
It’s Time to Vote!
US elections are right around the corner in early November. I want to encourage you to voice your opinion and have your voice be heard through your vote. No matter which political party you support or where you stand on the issues, you have a fundamental right to voice your opinion. Choosing our elected leaders and weighing in on ballot measures are ways to do that.
Early voting is already underway and voting ends on November 5th. The John Lewis Student Center will host early voting for Fulton County residents on October 24 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Southern Co. Multicultural Lounge (3rd floor). If you're a Fulton County voter, take advantage of this convenient on-campus location to cast your ballot!
Visit the State of Georgia voter information page to learn more about participating in the November election. Information specific to Georgia Tech student voters can be found on the Institute Relations voting information webpage.
As a reminder, Section 4.1.3 of Georgia Board of Regents Policy requires that universities give students an excused absence to vote in local, state, or federal elections if a student's course schedule would prevent them from voting. If you need to miss class to vote, be sure to email your professors ahead of Election Day to request an excused absence. If you need assistance exercising your right to vote, you can also contact the Dean of Students Office.
It is a privilege to be part of a lively democracy in which we can exercise freedom of expression and participate in shaping our country’s future. We recognize that not all students at Georgia Tech are able to vote in this election. If this is the case, you can still become civically engaged with the political process: volunteer to help campaign for a candidate or educate community members about the important issues under consideration. While voting is a key aspect of democratic participation, it is not the only way to exercise agency or voice.
Constructive Dialogue Institute’s Perspectives Course Has Launched
Last week you received an email inviting you to participate in the Constructive Dialogue Institute’s online course, Perspectives. First-year undergraduate students received an invitation to sign up directly from CDI; all other students received a link to the course from me. If you did not receive an email as of today, please email
This program is being offered as a part of Institute initiatives in support of Georgia Tech’s strategic value, “We safeguard freedom of inquiry and expression.”
This course will be available throughout 2024-25; it provides all Georgia Tech students with a shared language for engaging in dialogues that reflect care and compassion. Developing these skills helps to reduce the possibility of future interpersonal, organizational, and campus conflicts. Strengthening our community, through disagreement, is an essential responsibility in what it means to be a Yellow Jacket!
I again encourage you to find the time to take advantage of this valuable resource. Modules 1 and 2 were released last week; Modules 3-6 will open January 6, 2025, with the start of Spring term. We believe the knowledge and capacities you will gain from this course will be immeasurably helpful – not only in your academic journey here at Georgia Tech, but also in your relationships and career experiences, now and in the future. In fact, every student who completes Perspectives will receive a badge to include on their LinkedIn profile, signaling to prospective employers and colleagues that they have acquired this valuable skill set.
Thank you for your assistance in helping to make Georgia Tech a place where both fierce debate and dialogue can take place. Taking Perspectives is how each of us can ensure that rights to freedom of inquiry and expression are practiced responsibly. For more information about Freedom of Expression @ Georgia Tech, please bookmark and visit
Colleges Must Accommodate Pregnant Students Under Title IX
Democracies rely on the ability of all its participants to be able to engage fully in society. Title IX is a federal regulation that helps to ensure this. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational activities and programs. This includes protections for students who are pregnant or parenting, who cannot be excluded from any part of the educational program due to their status as a pregnant or parenting student, or because of any pregnancy-related conditions.
Pregnancy-related conditions include pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, or recovery from any of these conditions. If you have one of these conditions, then you are eligible for protections under Title IX. There are a variety of adjustments and modifications available to help you stay on top of your studies, including additional bathroom breaks and attendance flexibility. A non-exhaustive list of accommodations is available at
If you feel an adjustment or modification for any pregnancy-related condition would help you in your academic pursuits, please use the following link to contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Conflict Management (EOCCM):
If you have questions about accommodations or modifications due to a pregnancy-related condition, please do not hesitate to contact EOCCM at 404-894-5698. Their staff are available to serve as a resource for Georgia Tech students!
Closing Thoughts
Whether it is participating in our national or local elections, or engaging in freedom of expression and inquiry, I hope you take the time this semester to educate yourself and others about our civic responsibilities.
As always, the staff across Student Engagement & Well-Being are ready to actively listen as well as offer support, guidance, resources, and referrals as needed. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other and reach out to us as needed. #StrongerTogether #TheHiveSurvives
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Vice President for Student Engagement & Well‐Being