Learn About Financial Wellness
We will continue to discuss one dimension per month for the rest of the academic year. This month we focus on Financial Wellness. Last month in my newsletter, I introduced you to Intellectual Wellness, one of the Eight Dimensions outlined in the Cultivate Well-Being Action & Transformation Roadmap. The dimensions of wellness are areas in which you can engage in self-reflection and identify small ways to adjust your self-care habits so as to make big impacts in your life.
COVID & Winter Break
As many of you prepare to leave campus, or have left already, please be mindful of your health and wellness over the Winter Break. Colder temperatures have driven people to more indoor activities; socializing in close proximity with friends and family over the holidays is causing an increase in positive cases of COVID and other respiratory illnesses - on campus, across the state, and nationally. I encourage you to
- get adequate rest;
- conduct a daily symptom check and isolate as needed;
- strongly consider wearing a mask over your nose and mouth in densely populated settings where social distancing isn’t possible; and
- wash your hands (or use sanitizer) as often as possible.
As always, up-to-date information about Georgia Tech’s COVID-19 response can be found on our webpage.
I wish you all the best for you and yours as we say farewell to this year and look ahead to a new one!
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Vice President for Student Engagement & Well‐Being